Sunday Services
Sunday Morning 10:30am
Habits shape us and life is made up of them. What we do week by week has a real impact on how we live, what we love, who we become. As a church, we love and treasure meeting together week by week to know God to have our lives shaped by him. We gather to hear from him through the Bible, to respond to him in singing and prayer, and to encourage and care for one another. Whether you’ve been a Christian for many years or just beginning to wonder whether there is a God and what he is like, we’d love to have you join us on Sunday morning!
Our service is about an hour and quarter long, beginning with a few songs and ending with a sermon. There are activities going on during the service for children, with a crèche, infant and junior school age classes exploring the Bible. You’ll find that some people dress smartly and others wear jeans, but those things aren’t important.
The service is followed by tea, coffee and biscuits, a time to talk and get to know one another.
Sunday Afternoon 4pm or Evening 6pm

We meet at 6pm on Sunday evenings except the first Sunday of the month when we have a 4pm afternoon service. Please contact us to confirm meeting times if you would like to visit.
We understand Sunday to be given by God for people’s blessing. So as a church family we look to make the most of the day with a range of things happening over the course of a month on a Sunday afternoon or evening. Check out the programme card to see what is on when.
We would love you to join us for our regular services on Sunday. If you are planning your first visit to us directions can be found here
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable adults
We are concerned to keep children and vulnerable adults safe here. Our safeguarding officers, Hayley Wint and Keith Sullivan, keep our safeguarding policy up to date. Our teams receive regular training in safeguarding and good working practice. If you have any safeguarding concerns or questions please email hayley.wint@labaptistchurch.org or keith.sullivan@labaptistchurch.org
If you would like to know more about our services please contact us