

Sunday Morning Sermon Series

Please Scroll Down To View The Evening Services

25 August 2024 Jeremiah 29 v 1 – 14 God’s letter to His people

18 August 2024 Job 33 v 6 – 12

11 August 2024 Matthew 16

04 August 2024 1 Corinthians 3 Take the way of wisdom

28 July 2024 Nehemiah 13 Daily constrained to grace

21 July 2024 Nehemiah 11 – 12 The gift of joy

14 July 2024 Nehemiah 9 v 38 – 10 v 39 Great God of mercy

07 July 2024 Nehemiah 9 v 1 – 37 Great God of mercy

30 June 2024 Nehemiah 8 People of the Book

23 June 2024 Ephesians 4 Membership
Available on request

16 June 2024 Nehemiah 7 These are the people

02 June 2024 Nehemiah 6

Sunday Evening Sermon Series

18 August 2024 Matthew 6 v 19 – 34

28 July 2024 Christian Basics: Who should take the Lord’s Supper

14 July 2024 Christian Basics: Church membership

30 June 2024 Acts 2 v 22 – 42 Why should I be baptised?

23 June 2024 Matthew 16 & 18 What is the church?

16 June 2024 John 6 v 37

09 June 2024 John 5 v 1 – 15 The day Jesus deconstructed religious activity

12 May 2024 Am I a Christian?